Get doctors and health providers in touch with patients and students via one-click video call

Support doctors, health experts, personal trainers, and nutritionists in hosting online classes, teleconsultations, and private sessions. Offer a secure and private digital communication channel to reduce physical visits whenever not necessary, and monitor cure status with Kaleyra’s simple and secure audio-video call.

Enhance medical interactions and processes with Kaleyra Video consultations

Speed-up emergency response

Enable ambulance operators to receive audio/video assistance via their mobile app on immediate medical procedures to perform at the location of the accident. Allow them to inform the hospital about the patient’s conditions even before reaching.

Book screenings remotely

Allow patients to easily get in touch with doctors through an audio-video communication channel for medical consultation purposes.

Ease proctoring processes

Allow doctors to show peers their medical performances, and receive help or supervision while surgically operating on patients in isolation, using smart glasses.

Facilitate peer collaboration

Encourage fraternity support with our new-age and secure video solution, which is HIPAA compliant in the US. Allow general doctors to set up appointments and invite specialists for certain cases to understand if a physical check-up might be needed.

Offer equipment monitoring

Let caregivers and patients use Kaleyra Video to request and receive support on medical items and devices remotely, like oxygen tanks.

Boost student learning

Facilitate the students training by allowing them to assist surgeries and medical examinations remotely through the eyes of the doctor who is wearing smart glasses.

Get in touch with our experts!

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Explore other channels to communicate with your customers

Upgrade your business communication with Kaleyra’s CPaaS suite

Global Reliability

With a reach to hundreds of MNOs, including all tier-1 US carriers, we provide high-quality communication services that can help you instantly connect with your customers worldwide.

Omnichannel Platform

Kaleyra unites all available communication channels by integrating data, technology, and communication across your business to enhance the brand experience that a customer has with you.

Top-grade Security and Reliability

Security breaches cause data loss, service disruptions, and reputation damage that add to high costs for businesses. We offer enterprise-grade security to all our customers across different industry verticals.

We’re ready to help you design the perfect communication experiences for your customers.